Cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery

Beauty is one of the most important criteria in the life of every human being, whether it is in work, marriage, emotional life, and others. Many people may suffer from some congenital or accidental problems as a result of accidents that affect their beauty and external appearance.

Plastic surgery in Turkey is the best option in order to get the best appearance and beauty you dream of, for a variety of reasons, including the prices of cosmetic operations in Turkey are low, and also because Turkey is one of the best countries in the world in the field of medical tourism.

The success of the plastic surgery requires you to choose the best cosmetic center in Turkey, and for this we will guide you to the best cosmetic centers in Istanbul, which was considered the best in 2022 according to the experiences of plastic surgery in Turkey, which is the Laviva Clinic Cosmetic Center.

Laviva Clinic offers you the best plastic surgery offers in terms of prices and the experience of plastic surgeons in Turkey. The fame of the medical center is not limited to the cosmetic aspect only, but it is also famous for performing the most accurate surgeries and curative and cosmetic eye surgery.

Laviva Clinic has the best medical and cosmetic techniques, as well as the best plastic surgeons in Istanbul, Turkey. All these factors made the laviva clinic one of the best and most important cosmetic centers in Turkey.

Types of plastic surgery in Turkey

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Plastic surgery in Turkey

Each year, Turkey attracts thousands of people from different parts of the world to perform various cosmetic surgeries, due to the great development that Turkey has achieved during the last decade in the cosmetic field.

Turkey has become one of the competing countries for developed countries in this field, such as Britain and the United States, and in this article we will talk about plastic surgery in Turkey, and the types of plastic surgery in Turkey.

Plastic surgery in Turkey

Cosmetic surgeries are performed in Turkey using the latest medical technologies, which are often “locally manufactured”, which helps in decreasing the financial cost of cosmetic operations, which is an attractive factor for many people.

With the availability of a large cadre of the best plastic surgeons in the world within the cosmetic centers in Turkey, which are spread throughout all Turkish cities, but the majority of cosmetic centers are concentrated in the main period, which is a destination for tourists due to the “reliance of plastic surgery in Turkey on people coming from outside the country.

Types of plastic surgery in Turkey

There are several types of plastic surgery in Turkey, the most prominent of these types are:


It is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to modify the shape of the nose while reconstructing it in proportion to the rest of the face details so that it is able to perform its functions.

And performing this operation can contribute to the treatment of breathing problems and disorders and stuffy nose resulting from deformities or defects that occur due to exposure to trauma or accidents. The types of rhinoplasty include:

  • Nose enlargement.
  • Nose reduction.
  • Rhinoplasty and reconstructive surgery after accidents.

neck lift 

It is a process in which the neck is tightened by liposuction from the jaw line and the bottom of the chin using specialized tools for liposuction, and then the skin is smoothed, and this process aims to remove the sagging skin that appears as a result of age.


It is a plastic surgery in which excess and unwanted fat is removed from a person’s body in order to obtain a slimmer and more attractive body.

fat injection 

This process, when performed, allows redistribution of body fat in order to obtain a sculpted body and a more attractive body, in which the fat that was suctioned from the areas that suffer from fat accumulation is injected and injected in other places of the body that suffer from thinness and atrophy.

Buttock augmentation 

It is a surgical procedure that aims to raise, tighten or enlarge the buttocks in case they suffer from small size. This operation contributes to obtaining full, round and tight buttocks.

tummy tuck 

Tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that people perform in order to highlight the abdominal muscles and get rid of skin sagging while removing excess fat from the abdominal area.

eyelid surgery 

It is a cosmetic procedure that aims to get rid of the sagging skin that appears in the eyelids in order to improve the appearance. This operation is performed for the upper and lower eyelids. This operation can be done to solve the problem of peripheral vision difficulty, which is caused by drooping and sagging skin of the eyelids.


This operation is done for cosmetic purposes, in which the shape, location or size of the ear is modified to be consistent with the rest of the facial features, and sometimes it is necessary after the ear has been deformed as a result of injuries and accidents.

breast augmentation 

Most women want to increase the size of the breasts in order to get a more attractive appearance of the body, which is what prompts them to perform a breast augmentation procedure, in which silicone implants are placed under the breast skin tissue or under the breast muscles, or in some cases this process can be performed to correct the difference. the size of the breasts.

breast lift 

It is a surgical operation performed by the doctor in order to change the shape of the breasts. During the operation, the skin is removed from the breast, and the breast tissue is reshaped so that the breasts are raised.

breast reduction 

It is a surgical operation performed by the doctor in order to reduce the breast, where fat and some glandular tissue are removed in order to change the shape of the breast and reduce its size.

Butt lift 

It is a surgical procedure that aims to change the shape of a woman’s buttocks so that it becomes round and raised and becomes more harmonious with the rest of the body’s details.

vagina aesthetics 

In this process, the doctor narrows the vagina and opens the woman’s vagina, where excess tissue is removed from the vaginal lining, which fixes the problem of loosening the muscles and tissues of the vagina.

Vaser liposuction

Vaser device is used to perform liposuction from the accumulated areas in the body. During the procedure, a probe is inserted that emits ultrasound waves, which contributes to breaking down fat and then extracting it from the body and this helps in increasing the beauty and attractiveness of the body.

face lift 

It is one of the cosmetic procedures that are carried out with the aim of removing wrinkles and sagging skin from the face, which appear as a result of aging. The facelift process contributes to restoring the youthful appearance of the face and also restores its attractiveness and vitality.

penis enlargement

It is a cosmetic procedure that aims to increase the size and length of the male penis in men, and this process is conducted in order to give men more self-confidence when engaging in intimacy.

Eyebrow lift or tightening process

The eyebrow lift operation is a cosmetic procedure that is done in forehead tightening in order to improve the appearance of the forehead and the appearance of the eyebrows. In this process, the soft tissue and skin in the forehead and eyebrows area are lifted.